Worksite Bots

Ditch the mundane. Give tedious tasks to the bots.


About Worksite Bots

Worksite Bots is a website operated and owned by Todd's I.T., based in Peoria, IL, USA. The mission of Worksite Bots is to educate, entertain (to some extent), and promote the use of RPA software for the betterment of American business as a whole. We firmly believe that machines, either physical or software, guided or autonomous, are meant to work with, for, and enhance us, but not replace us. Providing a great customer experience is the key to business success, and that only happens when it is truly exceptional. A great experience for a customer is when their questions are answered, their concerns addressed, and useful information is provided. Having the right employees in place to interact with consumers and allowing software bots to enhance your employees ability to interface with clients can make all the difference. We have designed and implemented, with our customers, software bots that have allowed our customers to do just that, which in turn has accelerated their revenue and profits.


For more information about RPA, please follow these links:
Member of the Institute for Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence (IRAAI)
HelpSystems (We use Helpsystems Automate for Desktop RPA)
What is RPA - a great article
Wikipedia post about RPA

Plus you can always contact us to ask questions and arrange a time for us to consult with you. Or just call and shoot the breeze. Whatever!

A word about Todd's I.T., the company that owns this website.

We provide technology solutions to a wide variety of needs for an even wider variety of clientele. Our mission is to help our customers reach their business goals through the proper and ethical use of technology, experience, and wisdom, while at the at the same time serving others in the same way that we hope others will serve us. Our founder, Todd Giardina, formed Todd's IT to be a company with the following mission statement:

"To provide IT services that are high quality and valued priced, and to glorify God through our service to others. Further, our mission is to provide our partners and team members with opportunities which are profitable, rewarding and growth-oriented."

You can read about our mission and philosophy regarding business at